Monday, October 21, 2013

Will He Be Smiling?

Goosebumps brought on by chills and nerves "What will my dress look like? Who will my bridesmaids be? Will he be smiling...?"
Perhaps the thoughts of one brave little girl.
On October 6th I went to my first bridal runway show at the gorgeous George Washington Hotel, photographing and taking notes as I attempt to further my knowledge of the fashion world through experience.
The runway was in the middle of a beautiful ballroom, chairs running either side with multiple chandeliers above.
The models were from all walks of life, varying from moms on-the-go to young women in a business suit.
As the models donned gowns from Casablanca to Da Vinci, they receved their jewels and were taken one by one through a conveyor belt of hair and makeup artists. Curls woven and pinned in place, tiaras balanced and blush swept on, made for a complete army of models... Ready to stomp the runway.
Within seconds the excitement rose as well as confidence. In single file the brides for a day walk up the steps and into the ballroom. Each girl was accompanied by a groom, arm in arm they made their way down the runway. Spinning and turning to give each audience member a feel for the lace and tule gowns, they pass the next model awaiting their entrance. Now out of sight they sprint down the stairs and behind the dressing room door, slip off one dress and in to another, and right back out they go. One final lap down the runway and they're done, soaking up those last moments of applause.

A little girls dream.